Studies Performed with the DAVID DevicesProving their Efficacy & Safety

*Thomas, N., Siever, D. (1989). The effect of repetitive audio/visual stimulation on skeletomotor and vasomotor activity. In Waxman, D., Pederson, D., Wilkie, I., & Meller, P. (Eds.) Hypnosis: 4thEuropean Congress at Oxford.238-245. Whurr Publishers, London.

Gagnon, C., & Boersma, F. (1992). The use of repetitive audio-visual entrainment in the management of chronic pain. Medical Hypnoanalysis Journal, 7, 462-468.

Kari Nations Leonard, Michael J. Telch, Patrick J. Harrington. (1999). Dissociation in the laboratory: A comparison of Strategies. Behavior Research and Therapy, 37, 49-61.

Trudeau, D. (1999). A trial of 18 Hz audio-visual stimulation on attention and concentration in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Proceedings of the Annual Conference for the International Society for Neuronal Regulation.

Joyce, M., & Siever, D. (2000). Audio-visual entrainment program as a treatment for behavior disorders in a schoolsetting.Journal of Neurotherapy. 4, (2) 9-15.

Leonard, K., Telch, M., & Harrington, P. (2000). Fear response to dissociation challenge. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 13, 355-369.

Joyce, M. (2001). New Vision School: Report to the Minnesota Department of Education, unpublished.

#Berg, K., Mueller, H., Seibel, D., & Siever, D. (1999). Outcome of medical methods, audio-visual entrainment, and nutritional supplementation in the treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome. In-house manuscript, Mind Alive Inc., Edmonton,Alberta, Canada.

Allan Emmanuel Yawo Atsu. (2003).Accelerated Learning by College Students Through Audio-Visual Entrainment Technology, Clayton College,Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada, Unpublished.

#Berg, K., & Siever, D. (2004). The effect of audio-visual entrainment in depressed community-dwelling senior citizens who fall. In-house manuscript. Mind Alive Inc., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Jasper A.J. Smits, Mark B. Powers, Rachel Buxkamper, Michael J. Telch. (2006). The efficacy of videotape feedback for enhancing the effects of exposure-based treatment for social anxiety disorder: A controlled investigation. Behavior Research and Therapy,44, 1773–1785.

Jonathan D. Horowitz and Michael J. Telch. (2007). Dissociation and Pain Perception: An Experimental Investigation. Laboratory for the Study of Anxiety Disorders, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 20,(4), 597–609.

Mark B. Powers, Jasper A. J. Smits, and Michael J. Telch. (2004). Disentangling the Effects of Safety-Behavior Utilization andSafety-Behavior Availability During Exposure-Based Treatment: A Placebo-Controlled Trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,72,(3), 448–454.

Budzynski,T., Budzynski, H.K., Tang, H.Y. (2007). Brain brightening: Restoring the aging mind. In Evans, JR (Ed.) Handbook of Neurofeedback: Dynamics and Clinical Applications, Haworth Press, p. 231-265.

Kate B. Wolitzky-Taylor, Jonathan D. Horowitz, Mark B. Powers 1, Michael J. Telch. (2008). Psychological approaches in the treatment of specific phobias: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 28, 1021–1037.

#Berg, K. & Siever, D. (2009). A Controlled Comparison of Audio-visual Entrainment for Treating SAD. Journal of Neurotherapy, Vol 13, 3, 166-175.

Viktor Wuchrer –Uniiversity Erlangen-Nürnberg. (2009).Study on Memory and Concentration. Unpublished.

Pigott, H.E. & Dawe, R. (April 2009).Combining neurotherapy with mindfulness meditationtraining to foster wellness during early recovery.Federation of State Physician Health Programs Annual Conference, New Orleans.

Kate B. Wolitzky-Taylor , Michael J. Telch. (2010). Efficacy of self-administered treatments for pathological academic worry: A randomized controlled trial.Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48, 840-850.

Palmquist, C. (2014). Brain Brightening with Audio-visual Entrainment for Memory Enhancement in the Middle-aged and Senior Population.Dissertation.

*Study conducted by Dave Siever.# Study done by internship students from the University of Alberta. These students are hired by Mind Alive Inc., but the study design and the Independent Review Board (IRB) is under control of the respective university professors and staff. Mind Alive Inc does not engage in the study or know the results until the study is completed.

All other studies are completely independent from influence of Dave Siever orMind Alive Inc.

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